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“Martha, Martha, you are worried and upset about many things, but one thing is necessary” (Luke 10:41).   “. . . but one thing I do . . .” (Phil. 3:13).
Alan Fadling, An Unhurried Life: Following Jesus’ Rythms of Work and Rest (affiliate link). Downers Grove, Illinois: IVP, 2013. 208 pages. This book speaks directly into one of my...
Jason Young and Jonathan Malm, Don’t Burn Out, Burn Bright: How to Thrive in Ministry for the Long Haul (affiliate link). Grand Rapids: Baker Books, 2023. 183 pages. Jason...
On October 7, 2023, the world was startled by grisly reports of violence erupting along the Gaza strip. Hamas terrorists, one thousand strong, had crossed the border and were killing, raping, and kidnapping more than 1,300 Israelis....
Ron Chernow, Washington: A Life (affiliate link). New York: Penguin Press, 2010. 904 pages. Ron Chernow is one of my favorite biographers. He is an excellent historian and a...
Scot McKnight, with Cody Matchett, Revelation for the Rest of Us: A Prophetic Call to Follow Jesus as a Dissident Disciple (affiliate link). Grand Rapids: Zondervan Reflective, 2023. 312 pages.
Erwin W. Lutzer, The Church in Babylon: Heeding the call to Be a Light in the Darkness (affiliate link). Chicago: Moody Publishers, 2018. 295 pages. Erwin Lutzer grew up...
Stephanie Morales-Beaulieu, Anything But Ordinary: Finding Faith That Works When Life Doesn’t (affiliate link) (Winnipeg: Word Alive Press, 2023). 317 pages. This book is special to me for a...
Carey Nieuwhof, At Your Best: How to Get Time, Energy, and Priorities Working in Your Favor (aff). Colorado Springs: Waterbrook, 2021. 210 pages. Carey Nieuwhof is a leadership...
Jamie Winship, Living Fearless: Exchanging the Lies of the World for the liberating Truth of God (affiliate link). Grand Rapids: Revell, 2022. 170 pages. Jamia Winship was a police...