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The Day After

Can we all take a collective deep breath? The 2016 presidential election is finally over! It is not an understatement to say this election process has been more grueling, acrimonious, unpredictable, and theologically challenging than any in recent memory....
The days in which we live are dark indeed. You need only watch the news for a brief time to discern that we live in a time of evil and darkness. Ironically, despite living in the most scientific age...
Experiencing God friends… get involved and be a part of the new EXPERIENCING GOD MOVIE that Echolight Studios is making! We support this 100% and recommend checking out the Experiencing God FB Movie page for more information. Find out more about...
  As you may be aware, the last two weeks have been a whirlwind in the Blackaby family. It began on Thursday September 19th. My mother was getting her nails done in preparation for a trip to Maui where my...


I once visited with a man while I was on an intercontinental flight. His specialty was analyzing disasters. He gleaned enormous leadership lessons by reviewing airline crashes. He and his team would dissect what went wrong that caused an...
Spiritual leadership doesn’t just happen at church or on the mission field. It also occurs in the marketplace and most importantly, in the home. I have worked with executives of major companies who earned enormous profits for investors, overcame...
I grew up in the church. I heard all the lingo! I knew all the clichés. But there was one phrase that always intrigued me. That was, “the hand of the Lord.” I would hear people say, “God’s hand...
I love history. My children believe that proves I am as boring as the color beige. It’s not that I get worked up about dates, meetings, and documents. What fascinate me are people who made a difference. Their world...
The sagacious writer of Ecclesiastes observed: To everything there is a season, a time for every purpose under heaven (Ecc. 3:1). Leaders would do well to carefully consider this profound insight. Too often we lead as if our current role...