Ralph Ketcham, James Madison: A Biography. Charlottesville: University of Virginia Press, 1990. 753 pages. (aff)
I have often said a decent biography should be 750-1,000 pages in order to do a famous person justice. Ralph Ketcham barely reaches that threshold!...
Samuel R. Chand, Bigger, Faster Leadership: Lessons from the Building of the Panama Canal. Nashville: Thomas Nelson, 2017. 198 pages.
Samuel Chand is a prolific writer on leadership, yet I had somehow failed to read any of his books until now....
By Dr. Richard Blackaby
I recently spent a week at a friend’s townhouse by the beach in Florida. It was supposed to be a writing retreat, but I invited my kids and grandkids to come along. I envisioned watching them...
J. Oswald Sanders, The Joy of Following Jesus. Chicago: Moody Press, 1990. 156 pages. (aff link)
I have always enjoyed reading Oswald Sanders. Formerly a missionary executive, he spent many years teaching leadership principles as well as lessons on the Christian life....
By Richard Blackaby
“Thou art the man!”
Those four words form one of the most devastating sentences uttered in the Bible. That simple sentence humbled the mightiest king of his generation and devastated a nation. It also marked the highpoint of...
By Richard Blackaby
People learn at an early age that they live in a universe of limits. Children don’t want to go to bed, but they are made to anyway. They don’t want to sleep, but they inevitably do. They...
By Richard Blackaby
I am, without a doubt, the most out-of-shape member of my immediate family. I’m not proud of that fact. I used to be a fit athlete. But that was many years and almost two million air miles...
Eric Geiger and Kevin Peck, Designed to Lead: The Church and Leadership Development. Nashville: B and H Publishing Group, 2016. 234 pages. (aff link)
Eric Geiger and Kevin Peck have written an excellent book addressing leadership development in the local church....
by Dr. Richard Blackaby
I must confess that I am not a very creative person. I haven’t had all that many original ideas of my own. What I am pretty good at is recognizing and implementing good ideas. Last year...
A.W. Tozer, The Knowledge of the Holy. New York: Harper One, 1961. 120 pages.
A.W. Tozer is one of those writers for whom you must read everything they write. His depth of insight and power of vocabulary make you...