Home Christian Life Deliver Us from Evil

Deliver Us from Evil


On October 7, 2023, the world was startled by grisly reports of violence erupting along the Gaza strip. Hamas terrorists, one thousand strong, had crossed the border and were killing, raping, and kidnapping more than 1,300 Israelis. Violence in that region is commonplace, but this attack involved shocking brutality upon women, children, and the elderly, as well as the cold-blooded murder and mutilation of unarmed civilians. Hamas then posted videos of them beheading and mutilating the bodies in macabre celebrations. The Western world, largely insulated from such violence, was shocked. It seemed incomprehensible that human beings, even those angry about their own condition, could delight in butchering children and helpless civilians. The “civilized” world is often at a loss to explain such cruel brutality or the total lack of compassion for the weak and defenseless.

This blog is not about the justness or injustices of the current political situation. That is a different blog. This is about the stark cruelty and evil that was exposed and celebrated on social media. Hamas quickly announced that their hatred for Jews was Israel’s fault, but it is clear that the terrorists who invaded Israel were heavily indoctrinated to hate Jewish people.

Nevertheless, no circumstance justifies an elderly woman being mercilessly gunned down and then mutilated. Or jumping for joy in celebration because an entire family has just been massacred in their home. This kind of behavior occurs only when inspired by evil.

Jesus taught his disciples to pray “and deliver us from evil” (Matt. 6:13). It could also be translated, “Deliver us from the evil one.” Jesus encouraged his followers to pray this prayer daily. What does it mean? It recognizes that evil is a stark reality in every disciple’s life. Followers of Jesus must take it extremely seriously. Evil is so destructive that we must call upon God to deliver us from it.

The West has largely been inoculated from the horror of evil. At Halloween, children dress up as devils and people joke about evil spirits. The media largely screens us from the most graphic and appalling pictures of what evil instigates. But the fact is, evil is as active and destructive today as it has ever been. It works in the shadows and under cover of darkness. It often goes by more palatable euphemisms. But it is the same evil that Scripture warns prowls about like a roaring lion (1 Peter 5:8).

Make no mistake. Satan, the source of evil, hates people, especially Christians, with an insatiable vehemence. Humanity represents God’s crowning creation. We are designed in God’s image to bring him glory (Genesis 1:27). Nothing delights Satan more than to reduce humanity into murderous, hateful people racing toward destruction. Satan hates every person, young, old, weak, innocent. He longs for every solitary individual to be destroyed. He does not have an ounce of compassion. He takes no sides. He has no favorites. He wants to obliterate us all. He absolutely loathes those who seek to honor and obey God.

Throughout history, there have been moments when evil was exposed and society was granted a grim reminder of its wickedness. Naziism and the holocaust is one example. Mob violence often exposes sinister motivations. It can be easier to condemn such blatant expressions of evil. Yet, evil destroys and dehumanizes people in numerous ways. Many of its sinister weapons are not as graphic and lethal as gunning down a family in their home. The West is often more familiar with these methods.

  • A businessman commits adultery with a colleague and abandons his wife and three children.
  • Four deacons bully their pastor into resigning, leaving him and his family destitute because they feel he is too evangelistic.
  • A sex trafficking ring lures teenage girls into prostitution.
  • A drug dealer preys on teenagers, addicting them to minor drugs and then introducing them to harder drugs.
  • Leaders siphon funds for personal use that were intended to assist those in need.
  • A handful of angry church members falsely accuse church leaders of wrongdoing, which creates bitter division in the congregation.
  • A division manager feels deep animosity toward Christians at his workplace and does everything within his power to make their lives miserable so they quit.

Evil has many faces. When it is able, it strives to inflict the greatest pain and suffering possible. Yet evil is also seditious and works in the shadows while denying it has harmful intentions. Much of the evil in the West is more discreet and hidden, but its motive is the same as that which seeks to kill people in their beds.

So, what should Christians do in the face of evil?

First, recognize that it is real, dangerous, and pervasive. To deny evil exists or is widespread is to make yourself more vulnerable to it.

Second, ask the Holy Spirit to open your spiritual eyes to see it. Evil does not just dwell in drug dens, bordellos, and gangster hide-outs. It can also be found in government offices, media outlets, and church conference rooms.

Third, seek God’s protection and deliverance. Jesus instructed us to pray daily for God’s deliverance from evil. He knew how much we needed it. Evil has destroyed countless lives through the ages. Don’t play with it or turn your back on it. Rather, seek God’s guidance and follow his leading.

Fourth, hate what is evil as much as God does (Amos 5:15). If you truly know how destructive it is, you cannot remain neutral or indifferent to it.

Fifth, recognize that evil is the enemy, people are not. People are deceived, enslaved, and oppressed by evil, but they are not its source. Don’t be distracted by symptoms. Look for root causes.

Evil has gained footholds in numerous places throughout modern society. It is gaining strength and influence in the halls of power, the media, and among cultural influencers. Life will inevitably become more difficult for the church and for individual Christians in the days ahead. Spiritual warfare will intensify. We need to be ready.